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Providing highest quality scientific research to underpin sustainable coastal management


Accepted CCRU and CCRU-related contributions to EGU 2018

Accepted CCRU and CCRU-related contributions to EGU 2018

The Cambridge Coastal Research Unit is once again making a strong showing at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 8-13 April 2018, the largest geosciences meeting in Europe (the 2017 meeting featured 14,000 participants and >17,000 presentations). The Unit's staff, postdocs, PhD students and research associates will be delivering 5 presentations across biogeomorphology; ecosystem-based approaches to coastal Disaster Risk reduction; natural hazards in estuaries and coasts; and measuring, monitoring and modelling sedimentary and hydro-morphological processes. Details of the presentations are as follows:

  • Abstract - Helen Brooks, Iris Moeller, Tom Spencer, Kate Royse, Simon James Price. Geotechnical properties of salt marsh and tidal flat substrates at Tillingham, Essex. Session: IE1.3/GM5.1/BG1.18 - Biogeomorphology: conceptualising and quantifying processes, rates and feedbacks (co-organized).
  • Abstract - James A. Pollard, Susan Brooks, Tom Spencer, Iris Moeller. Geomorphological Risk: investigating the relationship between geomorphology, erosion and flood risk at the coast. Session: GM11.5/HS10.11/NH8.6/OS2.9 - Combination hazard in estuaries and coasts.
  • Abstract - Susan Brooks, James Tempest, Mark Scheurch, Tom Spencer. Barrier dynamics in Disaster Risk Reduction: storm impacts and recovery assessment from Remote Sensing. Session: NH8.4/BG1.19/GI2.20/OS3.5 - Ecosystem-based approaches to coastal Disaster Risk Reduction: new tools for numerical modelling and monitoring using Remote Sensing techniques (co-organized).
  • Abstract - Mark Schuerch, Tom Spencer, Stijn Temmerman, Matthew L. Kirwan, Claudia Wolff, Daniel Lincke, Chris J. McOwen, Mark D. Pickering, Ruth Reef, Athanasios T. Vafeidis, Jochen Hinkel, Robert J. Nicholls, Sally Brown. Resilience of coastal wetlands to sea level rise: A global-scale assessment. Session: NH5.4/AS4.29/CL3.10/HS11.32/OS2.11 - Natural Hazards and climate change impacts in coastal areas (co-organized).
  • Abstract - Mark Schuerch, Tom Spencer. Identifying the drivers for temporal variations in salt marsh sedimentation: a case study from the UK east coast. Session: HS9.1/GM8.10 - Measurements, monitoring and numerical modelling of sedimentary and hydro-morphological processes in open-water environments (co-organized).