Research network
In Cambridge, the Unit has links to research workers with coastal interests in other Departments, to the University's Unit for Landscape Modelling and the Cambridge University Centre for Risk in the Built Environment (CURBE).
The Department of Geography has been closely involved with other institutions in the University and with external organisations (such as the British Antarctic Survey, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre) in establishing the University Cambridge Environmental Initiative (CEI), whose aim is to advance environmental education and to address environmental problems and their possible solutions by linking the resources of the humanities and the social sciences to those of the natural sciences, medicine and technology.
Outside Cambridge, we have UK research partnerships with the Environmental Information Centre at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Monk's Wood, the Department of Geography, University College London, the Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia and HR Wallingford. The Unit is also involved in the scientific planning stages of the RGS-IBG/Royal Society 'Shoals of Capricorn' Programme 1997/2001, a major inter-disciplinary research project in the western Indian Ocean.
Within Europe we have an established collaboration with Universita di Ferrara (Italy), Station Biologique La Tour du Valat (France), SEO Birdlife (Spain), CIIRC-LIM/UPC (Spain), Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), the University of Granada (Spain) and the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research Utrecht (Utrecht University, NL).
Further afield, we have research partnerships with Louisiana State University Coastal Studies Institute (USA); University of New Orleans; US Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center; and the California University of Pennsylvania.