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Meeting Committees
Advisory Committee:
- Prof. Sir Herman Bondi - Churchill College, Cambridge
- Sir John Boyd - Master, Churchill College, Cambridge
- Ing. Roberto Casarin - Environment and Public Works Officer, Regione Veneto
- Prof. Paolo Costa - Mayor of Venice
- Dr Stefano Della Sala -Environmental Affairs Manager, Venice Port Authority
- Prof. Bruno Dolcetta - President, INSULA, Venice
- Prof. David Fisk, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, University of London
- Dr Filippo Giorgi - Abdus Salaam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
- Prof. Sir John Houghton - Inter-disciplinary Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) and the Met Office, England
- Prof. Deborah Howard - [Professor of Architectural History, ]Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge
- Prof. David Ingram - Chairman of Committee for Inter-disciplinary Environmental Studies (CIES), University of Cambridge
- Prof. Robert Mair - Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
- Ing. Giovanni Mazzacurati, Managing Director, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Venice
- Dr Howard Moore - Director, UNESCO-ROSTE, Venice
- Sir Alan Muir Wood, England
- Ing. Maria Giovanna Piva - President, Magistrato alle Acque, Venice
Scientific Programme Committee:
- Dr Ida Brøker - Danish Hydraulics Institute, Denmark
- Dr Pierpaolo Campostrini - Director, Corila
- Prof. Paolo Cescon - Department of Environmental Sciences, Ca' Foscari University, Venice
- Dr Giovanni Ceconni, Engineering Services, Consorzio Venezia Nuova, Venice
- Jane Da Mosto - Research Yellow, Corila, Venice
- Prof. Luigi D'Alpaos - Hydraulic, marine and geotechnical engineering dept, Padua University
- Prof. Trevor Davies - Dean, School of Environmental Sciences, University of E. Anglia
- Dr Caroline Fletcher - Venice Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Marino Folin, Rector, University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), Venice
- Dr Roberto Frassetto - IGBP and CNR- Marine Sciences Institute
- Dr Miro Gacic - National Institute of Oceanography and Geophysics, Trieste
- Prof. Don Harleman - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute for Technology
- Dr Stephen Malcolm - The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, City?
- Prof. Antonio Marcomini - Department of Environmental Sciences, Ca' Foscari University, Venice
- Dr Sandro Rabitti - CNR- Marine Sciences Institute, Venice
- Prof. Keith Richards - Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Andrea Rinaldo - Hydraulic, marine and geotechnical engineering dept , Padua University
- Dr Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla - CIIRC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona
- Prof. Robin Spence - Centre for Risk in the Built Environment, University of Cambridge
- Dr Tom Spencer - Cambridge Coastal Research Unit, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Alberto Tomasin - Mathematics dept, Ca'Foscari University, Venice
- Dr Georg Umgiesser - CNR-Marine Sciences Institute, Venice
- Prof. Pier Vellinga - Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Institute for Environmental Studies, Free Amsterdam University, Holland
- Arch. Ettore Vio - Proto della Basilica di S. Marco, Venice
Organising Committee:
- Dr Harriet Allen - Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Dr Pierpaolo Campostrini - Director, Corila
- Lady Frances Clarke - President, Venice in Peril
- Jane Da Mosto - Research Fellow, Corila
- Dr Caroline Fletcher - Venice Fellow, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Peter Guthrie - [Professor of Sustainable Engineering], Centre for Sustainable Development, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
- Paul Richens - Vice Master, Churchill College
- Anna Somers Cocks - Executive Chairman, Venice in Peril
- Dr Tom Spencer -Director, Cambridge Coastal Research Unit (CCRU), University of Cambridge