The Unit is housed in the Hardy building, an annex to the Department of Geography, where desk space is provided for research students and visiting scholars working on coastal projects. There is a small library and resource room, with extensive holdings of maps of the UK coastline and limited coverage of other countries. The offices have a network of IBM-PC computers, with standard office software packages, and links to Cambridge University, International databases and electronic services. The Unit supports environmental mapping and modelling software. Remote sensing and G.I.S facilities are available in the Department of Geography.
The Unit has access to a wide range of equipment for field survey and monitoring (electronic 'Total Stations', GPS, echo-sounding equipment; automatic water samplers; flow, water level and turbidity sensors, programmable dataloggers and field portable IBM-compatible PCs). The Unit maintains two powered, rigid-hull boats on the North Norfolk coast. It has access to three departmental vehicles and a 4WD for fieldwork. Equipment fabrication in the Department's Workshop and equipment installation is supported by the Department's Technical Officer and two Technicians.